Religion 6th & 7th Grade MCS

December 2012

6th and 7th Grade Religion Class

We are very busy this month.  We are preparing for the Birth of our Lord.  To get us started we have been learning about Advent and created our very own Advent Calendars which we will be "lighting" coloring each week in class.

Since the beginning of school I have been requesting the students collect toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls so they would each be able to create their own Nativity. Which we will be starting shortly.  

The theme of December's journal entries is kindness.  How to be kind, how was someone kind to you, how could you be kind, or maybe even about a story of kindness you hear about.  Many of the students were moved to write about the police officer in New York City who noticed a homeless man who had no shoes or socks and he purchased him some using his own money.  These journal entries need to be written every day even over weekends.   If they forget their journal they can simply write their entry on a piece of paper and tape, or glue it into their journal when they get their journal. The entries need to be dates and at the very least 3 sentences long.  Each journal entry is worth 5 points, so if they are missing journal entries it can lower their grade.  

The 6th grade class is doing a secret Santa exchange.  2 days a week they exchange gifts and the other 2 days they exchange kind words.  I have been very impressed at the wonderful things they have to say about each other.  Please keep up the amazing and thoughtful writing!